Moonlit Magic
on the Bitcoin

crafty internet witches inscribed
eternally on Bitcoin

Life as we know it is intrinsically linked to the moon and its cycles. Yet we find ourselves on a path with technology that seems to only separate us from the sky above.

Taproot Witches are bound by the lunar cycles - living art that is forever evolving with the cosmos.

Join us, and ensure that every Witch and Wizard has a chance to shine under the full moon's light. The moon is high, the moment is ours!

The Collection

There are a total of 3333 unique Taproot Witches!

View Collection


What are Taproot Witches?

Silly Witch! Get your head out of the stars and read our Witch Manifesto!

How do I get a Witch?

Follow our Twitter account and turn on notifications. Then join our discord for further instructions.

How much will it cost?

One Taproot Witch will cost [redacted] to mint + inscription fees.

How do I know if a Taproot Witch is real?

All real witches will be listed on the collection page (coming soon). After clicking a witch you will be taken to its page on to verify that the inscription number matches the one you're looking at.